Jeremy Gibbon

With over 20 years’ experience, Jeremy has a deep understanding of the South African educational context. He was Principal of Pinelands High School, a vibrant, diverse, co-educational high school in Cape Town and draws on research knowledge from his Masters Degree in Education at the University of Cambridge. Jeremy carries a fervent belief in the potential of all children and a burning desire to see this potential realised across South Africa.

Articles by Jeremy Gibbon

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

We’re looking for Grade 12s who want to transform education

By Jeremy Gibbon on 25 May 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

Do you want to be part of the change? Create a new future? Then start in the classroom and become a teacher: Apply for the Jakes Gerwel Fellowship before 27...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

We’re looking for Grade 12s who want to transform education

By Jeremy Gibbon on 25 May 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

Do you want to be part of the change? Create a new future? Then start in the classroom and become a teacher: Apply for the Jakes Gerwel Fellowship before 27...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Getting to the heart of education in South Africa

By Jeremy Gibbon on 24 Oct 2017

Reading time: 9 mins

The Jakes Gerwel Fellowship, an independent and aspirational initiative birthed out of Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Endowment, is committed to creating a...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Calling all Grade 12s who want to be part of transforming education: Apply before 31 Aug

By Jeremy Gibbon on 17 Aug 2017

Reading time: 4 mins

Do you want to play a leading role in developing our country and see the classroom as a powerful channel to do so? Do you know someone who does?

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Calling all Grade 12s who want to be part of transforming education: Apply before 31 Aug

By Jeremy Gibbon on 17 Aug 2017

Reading time: 4 mins

Do you want to play a leading role in developing our country and see the classroom as a powerful channel to do so? Do you know someone who does?


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